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Understanding Christ’s Call


Understanding Christ’s Call: A Simple Path to True Life

Understanding Christ’s call is not a one-time event but a journey—a continual growth process. It requires a combination of spiritual disciplines, personal reflection, and a willingness to align one’s life with the teachings and purpose that Jesus has revealed.

It is okay if you do not understand what Jesus wants for your life right away. It is a journey that helps you grow over time. Start by practicing your faith, reflecting on your life, and being open to following His teachings and purpose. We have deepened our understanding of His purpose and responded to it.

Recognizing Christ’s call involves listening to His teachings. Here is how to understand it:

1. Study the Scriptures:

Regularly read and study the Bible to understand Jesus’ teachings, principles, and the message of salvation.

2. Prayer and Discernment:

Pray for clarity and engage in prayer. Seek guidance and discernment through prayer to understand Christ’s call in your life.

3. Personal Relationship:

Develop a personal relationship with Jesus by building a personal bond. Getting closer to Jesus personally is essential; understanding His call often comes from a deep connection.

4. Follow His Rules:

Obey and follow Jesus’ commandments and moral teachings—it’s key to understanding His call.

5. Discover Your Gifts:

Find and develop the gifts and talents that God gave you; your calling might be linked to using them for His glory. A person’s purpose or vocation in life can be closely tied to using their spiritual gifts and talents to serve God and others in a way that honors and praises Him.

6. Serve with Love and Compassion:

Christ’s call often involves serving others with love and compassion. Consider how you can actively contribute to the well-being of those around you.

7. Discipleship and Evangelism. 

Spread the Word. Embrace the call to be a disciple of Christ and to share the Gospel with others. Understand that part of His call is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

8. Surrender and Obedience. 

Surrender your will to God and be obedient to His leading. Trust that His plans for you are for your good (Romans 8:28).

9. Seek God’s Will. 

Continually seek God’s will for your life. This involves being open to redirection and adjustment as you grow in your understanding of Christ’s call.

10. Genuine Community and Fellowship.

Engage with a community of sincere believers who can provide authentic support, guidance, and accountability in discerning and living out Christ’s call.

11. Patience and Trust. 

Be patient and trust in God’s timing. Sometimes, understanding Christ’s call is a gradual process that unfolds over time. 

12. Reflect on Jesus’ Example. 

Consider how Jesus lived His life on Earth. His example serves as a model for understanding self-sacrifice, love, humility, and service. 

Why do many fail to understand Christ’s call?

Many people struggle to grasp Christ’s call for several reasons, including:

– Lack of Spiritual Awareness:

Some people lack a solid spiritual foundation, which hinders their understanding. They lack a deep connection to spiritual matters, which prevents them from grasping Christ’s message. This limited spiritual awareness is an obstacle to understanding Christ’s teachings and call. 

– Misinterpretation of Scripture:

Complex interpretations can lead to confusion. When Scripture is misunderstood or misinterpreted, it can obscure the true message of Christ and make it difficult to discern. This confusion can prevent individuals from correctly understanding Christ’s call as it was intended.

– Cultural and Societal Influences:

Cultural and societal beliefs can distort understanding. People’s preconceived ideas shaped by culture may conflict with the true essence of Christ’s teachings, making it hard to understand His call.

– Intellectual Obstacles:

It’s not always easy to integrate religious beliefs with other forms of knowledge. Some struggle to reconcile their faith with other forms of knowledge, such as scientific or philosophical concepts. These intellectual challenges can prevent them from fully grasping Christ’s call.

– Emotional and Psychological Barriers:

Past experiences or emotional struggles can hinder spiritual understanding. Trauma, mental health issues, or unresolved emotional conflicts may cloud an individual’s ability to engage with spiritual matters and grasp Christ’s call.

– Lack of Personal Connection:

Without a personal relationship with Christ, understanding His call is tough. Establishing a personal connection with Christ involves experiencing his teachings and presence, which helps us better understand his call to follow him.

– Religious Hypocrisy:

Hypocrisy can obscure Christ’s message. Hypocrisy within religious communities can distort Christ’s true message, creating confusion and preventing followers from recognizing and embracing his teachings and call.

– Resistance to Change:

Fear of or attachment to worldly pursuits can hinder acceptance of Christ’s call. People’s reluctance to change or to prioritize spiritual values over material concerns can prevent them from fully committing to following Christ.

– Limited Exposure to Teachings:

Limited exposure to Christ’s teachings can restrict understanding. Without adequate exposure to Christ’s principles and values, individuals may find it difficult to understand and embrace His call to follow Him.

– Spiritual Warfare and Believer’s Response:

Believers must understand spiritual warfare, where opposing forces can create doubts or distractions, hindering acceptance of Christ’s message and call.

Spiritual warfare involves negative forces attacking believers. Christians actively engage in spiritual battles to resist these attacks. Spiritual attacks can obstruct spiritual insight when a believer allows doubts, distractions, and temptations to take over. These attacks can prevent someone from seeing or comprehending spiritual truths.

Christians, it is crucial to recognize and accept the reality of spiritual warfare. Negative influences are perceived as forces working against God and His children. Therefore, we must remain vigilant in our faith, continually seeking spiritual discernment and strength to overcome these challenges and remain faithful to Christ’s message and call.

What are examples of negative influences?

In the context of spiritual warfare, negative influences can include a variety of factors that hinder spiritual growth and one’s relationship with God. These factors can be internal or external and manifest in different ways, such as:

  • Doubts and Unbelief:

    Questioning one’s faith, the existence of God, or the truths of the Bible.

  • Distractions and Temptations:

    Anything that takes focus away from spiritual growth, such as excessive media consumption, work, or hobbies. Enticements to engage in sinful behavior or activities that are contrary to Christian teachings.

  • Sinful Desires, Fear, and Anxiety:

    Inclinations towards behaviors or thoughts that are against God’s commandments. Worries that undermine faith and trust in God’s plan and protection.

  • Pride and Ego:

    Excessive self-centeredness or arrogance that distances us from humility and dependence on God.

  • False Teachings:

    Misinterpretations or distortions of biblical truths that lead believers astray.

  • Negative Relationships and Worldly Values:

    Influences from people who lead one away from God, including friends, family, or colleagues who do not support one’s faith. Pursuit of materialism, power, or status that conflicts with spiritual values.

  • Persecution and Opposition:

    Hostility or resistance from others because of one’s faith.

These negative influences can have a significant impact on a believer’s spiritual journey. It is therefore essential to recognize and combat them through faith, prayer, Bible reading, confession and repentance, fasting, worship, and other spiritual practices.


Understanding Christ’s call requires openness, humility, spiritual discernment, and a willingness to engage deeply with faith. Addressing obstacles such as cultivating spiritual awareness and seeking an accurate interpretation of scripture can help individuals develop a deeper understanding of Christ’s call and align their lives with His teachings and example.


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-Charlene L. Kazay 🕊️🫶🏾

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